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Ssd Super Automatic Solution in South Africa +27735257866 Zambia,Zimbabwe,Botswana,Lesotho,Swaziland,Kenya,Namibia,Qatar,Egypt,UAE,USA,UK,Turkey,Hong Kong,China,Ethiopia,Eritrea,Sudan,Morocco,Brunei,Japan,Tanzania,Thailand,Algeria,Tunisia,Bahamas,Taiwan,Indonesia,Singapore,Somalia,Angola,Mozambique,Palau,Lithuania,Malaysia,Myanmar,Spain,Kuwait,Fiji,Jordan,Yemen,Bahrain,Philippines,Israel,Syria,Italy,DRC

  • Salaire: 2000
  • Téléphone: +27735257866
  • Ville: Saint Paul
  • Publié le : novembre 4, 2021 11:34 am
  • Expire : Cette annonce a expiré
ssd chemical


We currently operate in 15 markets, targeting a population of more than 18 million people. Universal SSD Laboratory holds leading positions in several markets, such as Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Australia and is successfully expanding its business. Contact Agent Mbuga +27735257866 OR Email Our success has been built on close and strong relations with key business partners, Banks, Pharmacists and Individual Clients. Universal SSD Laboratory is committed to delivering solution chemicals and providing access to a range of Coated Notes Cleaning and Technician Support World Wide. Our key product groups include Anti-Breeze Chemicals and Activation Powder for Cleaning Defaced Currencies. Universal SSD Laboratory has one key production plants in Algiers, Algeria, enabling it to manufacture and distribute products across all its markets quickly and efficiently. We maintain the highest product quality and security standards across our manufacturing and supply lines. Our modern state-of-the-art facilities employ more than 200 people and produce an annual output of 150 million units, making Universal SSD Laboratory one of the largest producers of SSD Solution, by volume globally.

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